How Many Types Of Architects Are There?

If you want to become an architect, then there are some specializations that you can opt for as well. An architect is essentially a professional who designs and also creates structures of various kinds. When people think of architects, they usually picture someone who designs residential or commercial buildings. But there are several types of architects that you can choose to become. There are three specializations in this field that are particularly popular. These include:

  • Building architecture
  • Landscape architecture
  • Naval architecture

What You Should Know About Pursuing A Specialized Architectural Career?

Different kinds of architects focus on different areas of expertise. They face different challenges, and also have different educational requirements. If you want to become an architect, irrespective of the kind of architect you want to become, you’ll need to have a bachelor’s degree. This degree should be from a University that’s accredited.

You’ll also need to get your state-issued license before you can start working. Architects find themselves working not only with clients but also with state governments. You’ll also need to work with construction teams, to ensure that the plans they are working on are safe. You’ll need to see whether the plans meet the needs of the clients, as well as comply with local building regulations.

If choose to enter a specialized career as an architect, here’s what you should know.

1. Becoming A Building Architect

If you want to become a building architect, then you’ll first need to complete a relevant course from an accredited institution. It’s the NAAB, or the National Architectural Accrediting Board, that provides the accreditation. It can take you up to five years to complete your bachelor’s program, and an additional three years to complete your master’s program. Through your courses, you’ll help to learn about:

  • Materials and structures
  • History of architectural styles
  • Construction system

You’ll find that architectural courses are heavily focused on both math and science. You’ll also need to study humanities courses, in order to understand the cultural context of various buildings.

After you graduate from your program, you’ll need to complete an internship before you can sit for the licensing exams. Even after you’re licensed, you’ll need to renew your license periodically. You should also consider investing in insurance for architect. This is as a career as an architect can leave you vulnerable to certain risks, such as getting sued by clients. When you have insurance for architect, you can better protect your career as well as your finances. If you would like to learn more about insurance for architect, then click here.

2. Becoming A Landscape Architect

As a landscape architect, you’ll be working on public spaces. These include parks, sports fields, college campuses, as well as other kinds of recreational areas. You’ll need to plan for necessities, such as water features and walking paths. To become a landscape architect, you’ll first need to complete an accredited course.

Your course will be accredited by the Landscaping Architectural Accrediting Board, or LAAB. Your course could last for up to five years. Through your course, you’ll learn about:

  • Landscape architecture and its history
  • Landscape theories
  • Geographic information systems, as well as tools

Your program will be more focused on humanities, but science and math are still core parts of the curriculum. If you already have a bachelor’s degree in another field, then you can apply for the three-years Master’s course in landscape architecture.

You’ll need to sit for and pass the LARE, or Landscape Architect Registration Examination before you can get your license. In some states, you may also need to sit for additional exams, such as on withstanding natural disasters.

3. Becoming A Naval Architect

A naval architect is someone who builds structures that can survive on the ocean. These structures can include ships, oil rigs as well as shipyards. The naval structures that you build should be capable of tolerating high pressures, as well as saltwater corrosion. If you’re building ships, then the ship will need to be buoyant as well. The skills you need to be a naval architect is different from those of other kinds of architects.

To join this career path, you should have a bachelor’s degree in the field of naval architecture. You could also get your degree in marine engineering. Your course should be from an institution accredited by the ABET. Through your courses, you’ll learn about:

  • Marine structures
  • Marine thermodynamics
  • Ship design

Through your course, you’ll also need to spend time at sea. You will also need to learn how to conduct maintenance on ships. Before you can become a naval architect, you’ll need to get your Professional Engineering license. This is provided by the NCEES or the National Council Of Examiners for Engineering And Surveying. To get this license, you’ll need to take an exam after you graduate, the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. You’ll also need to have four years of relevant work experience.

Only then can you sit for the Principles And Practice of Engineering examination.


There are several career paths within the architectural discipline that you could choose to follow. From becoming a building architect to a naval architect, specialized career paths require you to take different courses and sit for different examinations. Use this guide to learn about the different types of architectural career paths available to you, as well as how you can pursue them.


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