A Simple Guide to How Office Management Works

Running an office and being responsible for smooth operations is a major task. Some businesses hire office managers to have particular specialists for this role. If the company is not big enough, this responsibility might be shared between the HR manager and the people ops. 

This article aims to provide a general definition of office management and presents five components of it. 

What is office management?

Before we discuss the key components of office management, let’s first understand what it is. Office management is as simple as it sounds. It refers to the management of office work, including planning the roles, managing the people, supervising the work, and carrying the operations to the results. 

Key components of office management

While there can be a dozen more sides of office management, below five common components are discussed. Depending on the business and its needs, the role may include several other tasks and work to complete. 

Office space maintenance

Office management starts with maintaining good maintenance of office space. Office maintenance includes everything from leasing office space to preparing it for daily employee service. As an office manager, you should be fully aware of the nuances that make the office run. 

Understanding the structure

Office managers should also be fully aware of the office structure, meaning the teams’ distribution, their department locations, team leaders, and the main roles of each employee. 

Sometimes integrating coworking office space is great for the employees to work effectively and for the office managers to manage the work and tasks efficiently. 

Office event management

Another key component of office management is event management. Team buildings, office meetings, random gatherings, and office parties make up a large chunk of management processes in the office. 

Office managers are usually in charge of all the stages of event management, starting from using a void text generator for spooky text printing on Halloween, or buying a utensil set for a pizza party. Some basics of event management are stated before, but it is not all, and office management requires several other tasks. 

Employee availability management 

Office management is also about managing employees. Making the schedule, keeping an eye on employee performance and attendance to certain meetings, or simply showing up at work are also monitored through employee monitoring software and further addressed by office managers. 

Micromanagement is not advised, but there should be specific rules for coming to work, and supervising those is part of the job for office managers. 

Task management

Lastly, precisely setting the expectations and assigning roles to certain employees is also related to office management. Although each department might be responsible for assigning tasks to their team members, there might be general recording and work monitoring related to the office that the office manager might be in charge of. At least knowing the key roles of each employee is a task to be completed by an office manager. 


Office management is a responsible task to keep the operation running smoothly, whether a shared responsibility or the duty of office managers. Following office space maintenance is a primary component of office management. 

Understanding the office structure, supervising employee availability, and managing tasks and deadlines are also part of office management. Office event management is another component of office management.


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